
The AMAP du Jardin du Grand Murin, contracted with the GAEC des Sources, represented by Messrs Philippe and Jérôme Duchemin, organic farmers, domiciled in Gambais, to offer “baskets” composed of farm products.

AMAP also offers organic eggs, produced by Marie Legris, a farmer in Longnes, as well as organic bread from the Heurteloup farm, near Arnouville (every 15 days). Other products may also be offered from time to time.

Finally, each undertakes to come and garden for at least half a day per year on the farm. These few hours really help our producers and are an opportunity to interact with members of other AMAPs.

Comfort and amenities


  • Shopping cart

Rates / opening


Basket price: €16

Number of weeks for the season: 40 (at the rate of one basket per week)
or 20 (at the rate of 1 basket every 2 weeks)

For a complete basket: €640 (to be paid in 3 checks)
For half a basket: €320 (to be paid in 3 checks).

Payment method

  • Cheque


From 01/01 to 31/12/2023, every Thursday between 19 p.m. and 19 p.m.
The vegetables are delivered by the producer, distribution in the baskets is ensured by the amapiens at 18:30 p.m.
The distribution takes place between 19 p.m. and 19:30 p.m. at the Chalet, rue de Massacre in Montchauvet.