
La Ferme du Loup Ravissant in Bazainville has been force-feeding ducks since 1987. The ducks are raised in the open air and force-fed with corn produced on the farm.

Find out everything you need to know about duck breeding and force-feeding by visiting the Loup Ravissant farm in Bazainville. This duck breeding farm practices force-feeding in the traditional way with corn produced on site. Here the ducks are raised freely on large grassy areas! Today the farm tends to diversify into the mixed cultivation of cereals, rapeseed, peas and corn.

In the farm shop you can discover the farm's main product: whole foie gras, but also duck terrines and rillettes, as well as cooked dishes and much more...

Other details

Find products from Ferme du Loup Ravissant in their store on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Their pots of rillettes and terrines are also available at the Pays Houdanais Tourist Office (4 place de la Tour, Houdan 78550).

Rates / opening


Rates not communicated.